Martha Ministry

Language is conventional according to anthropology 101. A soup kitchen conventionally is understood to be a place where food is prepared and served for those in need. Since July of this past year, the Soup Kitchen has not served food at 2700 Flagler Ave. Rather, food has been prepared at 2700 Flagler Ave. and then served at the Keys Overnight Temporary Shelter (KOTS) by the SHAL workers. Due to the impending construction of housing by Catholic Charities on 2700 Flagler Ave., the preparation of food will take eventually take place in the New Beginnings Building. Until that building is prepared with a kitchen, the preparation of the food is taking place in the Klaus Murphy Center. The food is being picked up and served at KOTS by the SHAL workers.
In Luke 10: 38-42, we hear of Saint Martha who busied herself in the kitchen. This ministry is now renamed the Martha Ministry. When construction is completed for the kitchen in New Beginnings Hall, it shall be renamed Saint Martha Hall.
We need volunteers to help with the Martha Ministry. Please contact the Director of the Soup Kitchen, now the Director of the Martha Ministry, Mary Leen, 603-801-6562 or at [email protected].