The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) performs a great service to the Church, by distributing Holy Communion to God’s people on those occasions where there are an insufficient number of priests and deacons to distribute Holy Communion to the people present at the Mass. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the Church in this capacity, and of course, requires careful preparation on the part of the extraordinary minister.
Participation in this ministry is not just about the mechanics of delivery (e.g. serving, etc.), but about the prayerful consideration of the Holy Eucharist. Anyone discerning service as an extraordinary minister is encouraged to reflect deeply about this liturgical ministry, especially in view of the necessary preparation that makes it a spiritually rewarding activity for oneself and the assembled.
If you sense that you are being called to serve in this capacity, you are encouraged to first meet with our pastor Father Christopher Marino. Once selected to serve, you will then be assigned to a member of the Faith Formation team who will oversee your training for this ministry and assist you with ongoing formation in this ministry.
It is important to the parish that extraordinary ministers have a formal program of preparation so that extraordinary ministers can understand the nature of their service, be well prepared to carry it out, and properly understand the Church’s teaching, especially as regards the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Communion. The Basilica offers numerous faith formation programs and liturgical retreats throughout the year which ministers are strongly encouraged to attend.
For more information related to formation and training for this ministry, please contact the rectory office at 305-294-1018 or email us [email protected].
For information related to scheduling for this ministry, please contact:
Lana Jabour at (305) 292 1593 or email her at [email protected]
(Book of Blessings: Commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Chapter 63)