Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
What is RCIA?
The process of joining the Roman Catholic Church is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Each year, adults seeking to join the Roman Catholic Church receive weekly support, encouragement, and assistance from the RCIA team members and the parish community.
How do I get started?
If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, seeking Confirmation, or just want to find out more about your faith this class is for you.
This class is Scripture based, so if you are just interested in learning more about the Bible, please feel free to join us.
Please call the Rectory to request a registration form.
Is RCIA Right For Me?
The RCIA process is designed for adults who are unbaptized or those who were baptized as infants but had little experience with regular church attendance. Individuals baptized in another Christian tradition who have little experience with the Roman Catholic tradition often find this process to be helpful in their discernment of becoming Roman Catholic. If you are an adult who was baptized and active in another Christian tradition and have more than a year of experience within the Roman Catholic tradition, you may want to explore alternatives to this program with our RCIA Directors.
For more information, or to discuss your personal situation, please contact our Rectory Office at 305-294-1018 or email us at stmary@stmarykeywest.com