What is Ministry to the Sick?
Ministry to the Sick is the name given a parish ministry which offers a pastoral visit to people hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to private homes. This ministry involves a caring visit with time to listen and pray about the concerns of the sick as well as bringing the Eucharist. The purpose of this ministry is to provide the sick with an experience of the care and concern of their faith community and also, to provide an opportunity to pray with others and to receive Eucharist. It is a way to keep the sick connected with their faith community.
Who can do this Ministry?
Any practicing Catholic, 18 years or older can become a minister to the sick. They should be people who feel compassion for those who suffer or are confined. They should be people who are willing to listen to another’s stories, to give time to visiting regularly, and to participate in training and spiritual development. The Archdiocese of Miami requires that all every Minister to the Sick be VIRTUS trained, fingerprinted, and have a background check to safeguard those visited.
How will I be trained?
Before receiving training as Minister to the Sick, you must be trained as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. The Basilica of St.Mary Star of the Sea will provide this training to you free of charge. Also, the Basilica will provide you on-going spiritual and educational enrichment. The Basilica offers at least one formational ministerial event each year which will be encouraged to attend.
How often will I be required to visit?
Each person’s availability and schedule vary. Therefore, once you have met with our pastor, and been accepted for this ministry, we will discuss with you mutually agreeable times and frequencies.
Can I belong to this ministry if I did it in another diocese?
If you come from another diocese, where you visited the sick and brought communion, we will be happy to have you share in that ministry here. However, since each diocese has a different way of preparing its ministers, and since certain requirements are limited to a particular diocese, we would like to meet to discuss with you the requirements for the Archdiocese of Miami.
If you are interested in participating in this ministry or would like more information, please contact the rectory at 305-294-1018 or stmary@stmarykeywest.com.