The Rectory Office
Mondays through Friday 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
1010 Windsor Lane
Key West, Florida 33040
Ofc: 305-294-1018
Fax: 305-292-8096
Office Email: [email protected]
Rosemerie Bravo: [email protected]
Rev. Christopher Marino V.F., Pastor (Learn More)
Rev. Félière Louis, C.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. John C. Baker, In Residence
Rev. Deacon Peter H. Batty
Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit
Sr. Euphemia Kimario, OSS
Sr. Selina Boke Omoga, OSS
Directors of the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
Deacon Peter and Ellen Batty (English)
Ascelia Plans (Spanish)
Star of the Sea (SOS) Foundation (includes the Outreach Mission & Community Kitchen)
Morgan Tracey, Executive Director
The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea
Robert Wright, President
Phone: (305) 294 1031
Email: [email protected]