Bereavement Ministry (Grief Support)
This ministry offers support at the time of death, the period immediately following the death of a loved one, as well as ongoing emotional and spiritual support for as long as you might need. Grief is painful and during the grieving process that pain can be nearly unbearable. The length and difficulty of the grieving process vary with each unique situation: the relationship with the person who died, the circumstances of the death and how survivors handle life situations.
Always realize that grief has no timetable. It is cyclical. The emotions come and go for weeks, months and years. Understanding the emotions of grief is an important step in the healing process. The most common reactions to the death of a loved one are: shock, denial, anger, guilt, sadness, and finally acceptance it.
When one has experienced significant loss, certain decisions and tasks can often prove overwhelming. Therefore, in addition to providing education and support on grief and loss, the Basilica also offers the services of a trained bereavement minister to help guide you in making some of the more immediate decisions related to the funeral or memorial arrangements.
If you are working your way through the grieving process from the death of a spouse, parent, child, sibling or friend, please know that grief support meetings are available to you every Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in the St. Francis Room of the Klaus Murphy Center.
Each year, the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea also holds a Mass of Remembrance that is celebrated on a date proximate to All Soul’s Day on November 2. Those who have experienced the loss of a family member or friend in the previous year are most especially encouraged to attend to pray and share memories together.
For more information, please contact Velma Christian at (305) 294 9380
The Bereavement Ministry invites those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, this past year, to a Mass For The Faithful Departed on Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the Basilica.
During the time of the Prayer of the Faithful, the name of your loved one will be lifted up in prayer. It is our hope that one of your family members will come forward to light a candle at that time. This ministry has helped send letters to the families whose faithful departed were commended to God by the priests and deacons of this Parish this past year. Yet, we know that many parishioners went to the funerals and burials of their loved ones in other parts of Florida, other states and other nations. You are invited as well to this Mass.
If you are able to participate in this Mass, please call the Rectory at (305)294-1018 to assure the inclusion of your faithful departed.