Walking Rosary

A walking rosary is prayed in the Grotto each morning promptly after the 7:30 AM Mass. Please come and pray with us any day or every day. Our parish visitors are especially welcome.     

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Please contact Fr. Marino ([email protected]) for the latest schedule. You may also call the rectory at 305-294-1018 for more information.

Tuesday Evening: Haitian Prayer Group (Creole)

Tuesday evenings 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Basilica

Contact: Roseline D’haiti  

Phone: (305) 747 9662  


Thursday Evening Bereavement Group (English)

If you are working your way through the grieving process from the death of a spouse, parent, child, sibling or friend, please know that grief support meetings are available to you every Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in the St. Francis Room of the Klaus Murphy Center

Facilitator: Velma Christian

Phone: (305) 294 9380